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Just Real Peeps!

Attractive, hardworking, and happily married couple. We are looking for people similar to ourselves. Must be fit, in mind and body. Don't have to be a physical trainer, just height and weight proportionate! No pushy personalities. If we say that we are not interested, it simply means just that. Confident, not arrogant! If you care about yourself, it shows, and and that is what we are looking for.

View profile, Everton AR
Looking for action!!!

View profile, Everton AR

I'm a blond haired, blue eyed girl with very strong body. I love to have as much action as I can get. He has blond hair and green eyes. Just try us; you won't be disappointed. Everton AR adult personals. We are looking for a guy, girl, or couple for a fun sexual encounter. We are looking for someone who likes to have a good time and cum a lot.

Fresh Couple

View profile, Everton AR

We are a new couple looking for another couple or woman.We are looking for a couple who like to try new things.He likes women to wear sexxy outfits with high heels. She likes her men naked with a stiff cock.She loves to dress sexy and show of her high heels. Both love oral, both giving and recieving. We both like taking and posing for pictures. We have been married for 15 years ,always been faithful to each other. Now we are ready for something new.We would like our first time to go slow.We would like to try almost anything with the right couple.We love to see your photos.We both enjoy role-playing and sex in different places.She is clean shaven and he is nicely trimmed. We are looking for a woman or couple to start us out slow. Must be clean and attractive.Must be d/d free. You don't need to be ken and barbie.Bi-curious women ok.Please be honest and don't be pushy. We don't want people with good taste,we want people who taste good.

Curious and Looking

View profile, Everton AR

Happily married couple, secure in our relationship looking to explore. Physically fit but no Ken and Barbie, close but not lol. Looking for a bisexual, bicurious couple or possibly a bisexual male for a discreet relationship. Would like to find someone who is fun to be with, with or without sex. Must be well groomed, and physically proportional. No promises but looking for fun for all of us. Married men trying to keep it from their spouse dont even bother, we are not here to ruin anyone's marriage.

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