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Now in Casper

We have re-located to Casper and hope to meet some of the great people in this area for friendship and more. We don't go to the bars too often, but when we do we have a good time. Thanks for checking us out. We are looking for sexual adventures and friendships of the best kind. Must be discrete and clean. This is very important to us. We will be friends with most anyone...but are selective about who we go to the next level with.(don't let that scare you off though)

View profile, Mountain view MO
MWC enjoying life and looking for others to share some good times with.

View profile, Mountain view MO

We are a happily married cpl that enjoys life and sharing fun times with others. WE ONLY PLAY TOGETHER AND NOT INTERESTED IN ONE ON ONE ENCOUNTERS. We live in Wyoming but we visit Denver on occasion for fun. We enjoy 3somes and moresomes and wife enjoys being pleasured by more than one man. She is 5'3,140 with great body and bi, He is 6', 190, broad shoulders,narrow hips and str8. We enjoy camping, skiing, 4wheeling, hunting, fishing, and most anything else outdoors. Mountain view MO adult personals. She is very sexy and VERY insatiable. We are seeking down to earth, good looking, clean, D&D free people for 3somes and moresomes. We correspond first and if things go well we will meet for drinks to see if we hit it off and then go from there. We like to video and photo if everyone is ok with it. We do not cyber.

lets have some fun! tonight

View profile, Mountain view MO

we are a fun and honest couple who like to go camping and fishing. We like to go for rides on our Harley. I like to ride my horse. We are looking for fun,friendly, and honest people. We just want to be ourselves. we have made mistakes but this is who we are are and we honestly love each other and want to fullfill(can't spell worth a shit)LOL!!!!our desires!


View profile, Mountain view MO


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