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Or maybe you're one of those sweet sexy girls who transforms into an and Neosho MO adult personals. Ads with photos.

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30 something Alaskan Couple. We are new to it but looking for fun.

We are an outgoing couple that enjoys the party scene but find ourselves spending a lot more time at home. We value communication in the bedroom so that everyone is comfortable and has a good time. Right now we are looking for a short-term relationship that could lead to a friendship. We are pretty traditional in the bedroom but enjoy a touch of kink to keep it interesting. We are looking for a single woman or couple to join us in some lively sex. We have had a couple of threesomes and are looking to expand our horizons. We will consider anything that is not demeaning and doesn't hurt anyone. We are open in our relationship and are looking for others that are the same and willing to be discreet.

View profile, Neosho MO

View profile, Neosho MO

We are a mid-20's couple that have been married for almost 7 years. We are very secure in our relationship and do this to spice up an already great sex life. We both have full time careers that take up a lot of our time, but we like to "let our hair down" every now and again. We are always looking for ways to do that. Neosho MO adult personals. One-on-one sex doesn't interest us much. We prefer (threesomes/swapping/orgies/other). We are looking for a couple/woman. We will full swap. Partner(s) must be disease free.

Just Seeing what's out there

View profile, Neosho MO

Well we are new to this not sure where this is going but we are soon to find out what this is but one thing we do not DRAMA and the female will only play when the male is around so please don't ask for otherwise. One-on-one sex doesn't interest us much. We prefer (threesomes/swapping/orgies/other). We are looking for a couple/woman. We will full swap. Partner(s) must be disease free.

Fun cute couple looking for some excitement

View profile, Neosho MO

We enjoy indoors & outdoors activities. We have many hobby such as fishing,skiing,motorcycles,camping,just to mention a few. We are very light drinkers,& non smokers. We are open minded to most things.We are new to this lifestyle & want to meet couples or female for friendship and if all works out friends with benefits. And we only play together! We are a straight secure couple looking to explore with another couple or a woman (no single males please) We would like to meet people with some of the same interest to start off with dinner or drinks and see where things go. Definetly no jumpin in. Cleanlyness & drug free is a must.

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