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Loving sex in the AK!!!!!

We are a younger couple in Kenai, Ak. We have a awesome relationship and are very happy. Not looking for any attachments as far as relationships go, just looking to have some fun with another women. No single men!!!! We enjoy all aspects of sex and are always open to try new things and also willing to teach some things!! Really though, we are a drug free, disease free couple looking to enjoy the company of another woman either on-line chatting or possibly even more. We are looking for a woman who is into getting to know one another, possibly in the right situation hanging out. Not looking for any dominatrix's....not our flavor. Someone open minded, respectful....and cleanliness is a must!!!If you don't shower daily, we are not the couple for you. Just wanting to have fun but at the same time respecting each other and each other's privacy.

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View profile, Nevada MO

PLEASE ATTACH A PIC IF YOU EMAIL!!!We're 2 attractive clean, shaven, disease free people looking for the same in other couple or single. Lots of fun and laughs. Can't wait for our chance with another HoT female. She would satisfy a major fantasy of ours. Looking for the same in others. Fun, outgoing, relaxed, but NO STRINGS! Cum as you are, single or couple but we go together!

Looking for the ever elusive third wheel.

View profile, Nevada MO

We're a very secure couple who love to share the finer things in life. We enjoy everything from a quiet night at home to a hot night on the town, Bud Light to Moet. We're outgoing, energetic, very adventurous and extremely sexual. Our sex life is incredible and we love sharing each other with the right woman. We're looking for friends that share our interests. We're not looking for a one-nighter or a "hit it and forget it" experience. We want someone to share the good times with, in and out of the bedroom. If you're in shape, looking to be pampered, love to laugh and fairly uninhibited, drop us a line.

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