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Fun and attractive people wanted.

I'm an average guy 5'10" 180 brown hair and eyes and my wife is 5'11" 130 blonde with blue eyes. We are looking to experiment in the bedroom with other bisexual or curious women, men, couples(man-woman, 2 women)or groups with the right people. We are open to just about anything. Discretion is desired. If you have questions just ask. We are especially interested in women and younger couples. We have had a ton of single guys write us and have decided that from now on We are looking for attractive bi-sexual women and couples(man-woman and/or woman-woman) for friendship and more. We would like people to be 18-25 physically fit or average, clean, D/D free, laid back and open to just about anything. We have never done this before so we're definitely open to people with experience. We're pretty normal people who are comfortable with our sexuality and looking to have new experiences. We are also really into finding a young woman 18-24 who would like to try being submissive. We are also interested in a single woman to be a regular/live in playmate so long as she is interested in playing with us both.

View profile, New cambria MO
Looking for fun

View profile, New cambria MO

We have been married for 15 years. We have lots of fun together. We love live music, hot tubs, hanging out with friends, etc. We are a little overweight but that doesn't stop us. We have had some random experiences with another couple and really enjoyed it. We are open to a lot except if it is painful. New cambria MO adult personals. We would love to find another couple that likes to go out and have fun. We want to explore more in the bedroom. My husband has a fantasy of watching me with another man. I would like to watch him getting pleasure and joining in. We are both open to pretty much anything.

Looking for hot couples or single women

View profile, New cambria MO

We are new to AZ and looking to have some fun. We are open with what we like and like to have wild fun sex. Honest, fun, sexy people, who are not pushy and are looking to have wild fun, and also to make friends. We hope to hear from you.

Attractive single women who wants to get fucked hard!

View profile, New cambria MO

Hot woman who likes to be eaten out and fucked hard by big thick cocks. I love anal, and my favorite endings are creampies or having cum all over my face. I'm also very bi, and love to eat pussy. We are looking for a sexy couple/single/group. We are both into just about anything. I want to be fucked by a big thick cock and it really turns me on to be video taped. I love anal, and my favorite endings are creampies or having cum all over my face. I'm also very bi, and love to eat pussy.

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