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hi we are a sexy couple in the north bay she is 23 very sexy and hot i am 29 good shape and good looking. we are looking for a woman or a couple to play with. we are new to this and are very curious we are looking for a woman or a couple to play with. we are new to this and are very curious.

View profile, New offenburg MO
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View profile, New offenburg MO

We're back together and ready to rumble. New offenburg MO adult personals. Nice, sweet, respectful, horny, insatiable, intelligent, sexpots.

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View profile, New offenburg MO

Hey everyone, you may know us as eroticouple00...we've been here a while. just had some IT issues and decided to start a fresh new profile;) We are the same sexxy f'rs , looking for sexy fun with sexy men and women...we are a full swap anything goes couple who love to see eachother gettin it on ! :) She is a super sexy nympho with a perfect ass and beautifully shaved pussy,who LOVES BIG COCK and loves to please men and women. LOVES sucking cock, and is amazing to be with ( guys and ladies! ) We are very open sexually and are looking for well endowed studs for the mrs. and sexy naughty chicas for the man. We have had visitors stop by for sexy fun and be gone 10 minutes later...and have had visitors stop by and end up staying for 4 hours...whatever happens to be the vibe will dictate the session :) ...we typically are " ready to go " once a visitor arrives which seems to go over well usually ;) one on one's...mfm...mfmf...mmmf...all are possible with the right sexy partners...

Looking for fun in Monterey.

View profile, New offenburg MO

Most would say that we are very diffrent. The guy being very outgoing and the girl being shy, but we are actually very similar we like most things normal couples do. Movies, working out, making food. We would like a girl or a couple who knows what she/they is/are doing and can be more aggressive, but not too agressive. We dislike going out that much. We like the occasional night out but can find much more to do at home whether thats in the bedroom or just watching movies and playing games. NO SINGLE MEN PLEASE. We are very open sexually and are looking for well endowed studs for the mrs. and sexy naughty chicas for the man. We have had visitors stop by for sexy fun and be gone 10 minutes later...and have had visitors stop by and end up staying for 4 hours...whatever happens to be the vibe will dictate the session :) ...we typically are " ready to go " once a visitor arrives which seems to go over well usually ;) one on one's...mfm...mfmf...mmmf...all are possible with the right sexy partners...

Information on the November 2006 Special Session and Same-sex Domestic Partner Benefits Benefit Consultant's Domestic Partner Benefits Analysis


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In some cases, these organizations do offer a limited selection of the benefits normally provided to opposite-sex married couples to de facto partners or

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