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Don't worry if you are new to the Swinger life style or if you have been in it for many years, is meant to be useful even for curious people who are just passing by. After going through the site and reading some info, your point of view about swinger couples will be different than before and may be you join Adult FriendFinder for Free so you could meet swinging couples and spice up your sexual life. Here in at we offer you FREE guides and tips for new swinger couples which will help them to get the best results in having group sex, wife swapping, threesomes and other swingers' practices. For more experimented swingers here is some swingers etiquette advices and the swinging principles as well as more cool stuff . Adult Friend Finder offers Chat Rooms for Sexy Singles, Swingers and for the curious at heart to explore their sexuality even more.

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adult personals >> Newtonia MO adult personals
Couple with a cam. Looking for one more

we have been together for about 2 years now, we are very easy going. for about 4 or 5 months we have been experamenting with photographs and now finally bought a camcorder. we dont really like bar scenes because shes only 19. but if your intrested we would love to get to know you. we are looking for a women age 18-24 who want to explore sexual situations with another couple. just with her at first but as we get more comfortable who knows what could happen. shes really into girls but has not been with one for a looooong time.

View profile, Newtonia MO
The Ultimate Bisexual Experience!

View profile, Newtonia MO

Funny easy-going down to earth couple looking to explore with couples and bi men/women. We love to have sex and play with toys. Since we are both bi, we both love to suck cock and eat pussy. We both love a good dick in us but Newtonia MO adult personals. Its all about couples and bisexuals for us. Couples with both members bisexual are totally welcome to play with us. Females can just play with Ms. Bravo only as long as Mr. Bravo gets to watch! ;) We are willing to change partners as long as everyone gets to taste each other.

looking for friends

View profile, Newtonia MO

We are a committed couple, dating three years, looking for a friend or friends to explore. We have had a few experiences in the "swinging scene" and want more. We are very in love and are only in this to enhance our sex life as a couple. We don't want drama...and are mostly looking for couples or single females to have fun with, no strings attached. We are not looking to steal your man/woman away, therefore we are seeking people who are confident with their own relationships. We just want to have fun as a couple and would be thrilled if we could enhance the sex lives of other couples while doing so. We are really open to anything: full swap, mutual masturbation, roll playing, swing club/party invitations, voyeurism etc. If you are interested, please drop us an email. We are not really interested in single men right now, so please don't bother. You would have to be highly unique and extremely respectful for us to reconsider...and so far, I don't think that is possible. The single-male ego always seems to get in the way. We are looking for attractive, clean, well groomed and disease-free people. I am not interested in getting naked with someone my fathers age, so please be between the ages of 21-35. And sorry, no black men!

expanding network..are you in???cant chat send a email thanks.......

View profile, Newtonia MO

we like just about everything.nothing to kinky or hardcore.dont mind short travel to have some fun...we are laid back fun loving no drama couple...we do have busy schedules and a child. so let us know ahead of time...looking to play with couples and females..single guys are ok too but tabi's choice of who gets to and party play is fun fun fun..we love hot photos if you got em send em...we have great sex together and love watching each other have great sex with others..tabi wants to 69 a hot young pussy while i bang them both ..asians are a plus....mmmmmmmmm.... we are looking for clean discrete easy going people.must like to laugh and have a good time ..we both have busy schedules and a child.if you dont give us time to plan it. its not going to happen..laid back non pushy people only...assholes will be deleted.we would like to find a couple or a female to play and party on a reg. basis (bbq beach bar ect)we dont like cheaters....period..

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