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Curious Ventura County couple looking to explore

We are a happily married couple, and are looking for like couples or individuals who can help us explore a sexual side we have yet to discover in our years together. Potential friendship is ok with us also. She is friendly, somewhat shy, and enjoys a good time. He is friendly, and likes to have fun. We have children, so meetings would have to be somewhat discreet and preplanned. We are looking for couples or individuals who enjoy hanging out, listening to music, humor, and trips to Vegas. If you are experienced in this lifestyle, then you are more experienced than us, please be understanding if we feel awkward at first. We are quick learners, and once we are comfortable anything could happen!

View profile, Newtown MO
27F and 56M looking for fun couples, men and women!!!!!!!!

View profile, Newtown MO

Clean discreet classy couple like to have fun in and out of the bedroom, open to trying new things with people like us, very laid back and witty looking to make new long term friends with benefits!!!!!! Newtown MO adult personals. Looking for discreet couples women or men that like life on the lighter side! Be fun and honest.

Hello we are a couple from west ky looking for some fun

View profile, Newtown MO

He is 37 she is 35 we are married and looking for a couple to get to know and have some fun with. He is 5'10" she is 5'5" We love boating and the out doors.We are a very busy couple but we have meet with a couple of couples. We are looking for a couple to get to know have some fun. We have only been with a few couple and would like to meet some one close. We live on lake barkley and love to boat. We are D&D very clean and want the same.

Sometimes We Just Want To Fuck !!!!

View profile, Newtown MO

We could say that we are looking for a paticular type of person or persons....but we are so past that. We Just want to have hot nasty sex... sometimes with singles sometimes with other couples sometimes with groups we couldn't possibly be that boreing!!! We change are minds more times then we can fuck.:) An absolute must would be Clean and Discreet. Other than that....we want to meet people who enjoy having a good time.

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