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always interested in you NO SINGLE MALE OR COUPLE

hello my name is Pam. I am 5'6" medium built.i have long black hair. 36c cup size. I like to feel soft of women. I am very interest in U. hope U will email me. I like to have sex all the time. will U be the one for me. please send pic if possible. I am married and he like to join-in but if U like to be 1to1 then I will be alone. I will reply all your e-mail. Please NO SINGLE MALE OR COUPLES I am looking for bi or lesbian women. if you want to meet somewhere please mean it no head game or not showing up. please be serious and you will get response.

View profile, Plains MT
Hi ladies!

View profile, Plains MT

I am looking for a woman to share my first girl/girl sex with. I have a guy, but REALLY want a woman Plains MT adult personals. NO GUY'S. A woman who is smart, funny, sexy. Someone to show me the ropes, or learn them together. NOthing long term, just fun.


View profile, Plains MT

Cute 5'4" 120 lbs, pretty smile nice ass, tasty pussy (so I've been told) and shaved,looking a another cute bi or bi curious female or a nice couple with bi or bi curious female to share with cute black guy friends, who sets up everything. Have tons of pics to share....send me a message and your number an I'll be sure reply ASAP..... Looking a cute bi or bi-curious female for dinner, dancing, XXX movies, massages, pics, role playing, and whatever else comes to mind.

Longing for that feminine touch...

View profile, Plains MT

My friends would describe me as a laid back and outgoing person once I get to know you, although quiet at first. I stay generally healthy, although not a fanatic about it. I don't want a perfect woman, but you should have respect for yourself and care how you look. I love to eat out, go to movies, etc. Not much for the bar scene, but like it once in a while. Like to stay in sometimes too- the imagination is free to be what it will behind closed doors. I prefer 1-on-1 sex, but may consider two women- NO MEN. I am otherwise open to let our imagination and passion lead us where it will. I am looking for somebody who can have fun without the melodramatics. I am not looking for a relationship- prefer friends with benefits, no strings attached. Sense of humor and the ability to carry on an INTELLIGENT conversation will get you alot closer to my bed. I am a professional, and I have two children. Discretion is of utmost importance to me. NO MEN NEED CONTACT ME- NOT INTERESTED!!! Please include a photo when you contact me- I cannot tell you if I am interested if I cannot see you.

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