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Fun, Pleasure - Enjoy Younger Men

Petite and attractive, looking for good times, open and eager to try new things. Passionate and naughty, pretty laid back, like to stay fit. Enjoy a variety of music, cards (strip poker is always fun-WINK!), pool, a good movie, and open to anything for fun. Some good conversation is always nice. Younger men are quite a hot, spontaneous, wild, direct, and such enthusiasm. Sexy lingerie, a seductive strip, or a sweet massage are great ways to heat things up--erotic and yummy! Enjoy indulging in a man's desires and seeing his pleasure. Seduce me. Fun loving, real and can be themselves, open, have a wild side, spontaneous, hot and lusty or slow and seductive, and know how to relax. Someone who would enjoy the pleasure of a sexy mature woman--her body and her company and is looking to just have some fun and a good time!

View profile, Seagraves TX
hi i am part of a couple

View profile, Seagraves TX

I NO LONGER PLAY SINGLELY ONLY WITH MY PARTNER IN 3 SOMES OR 4 SOMES .I live in western south dakota. I am 5'4 blonde hair, blue eyes, ample body and more than a handful for some. 40 dd on top been told that I know how to treat a man. Looks aren't not everything it means more to me in how you treat me. Do have a good sense of humor and enjoy the simple things in life because life is to dang short to go through it hurting because of a partner. I am not looking for a life partner as I had one and think friends are better to have. I prefer chatting before meeting and then in a public place as it is safer for both parties and we both have the right to say no. I am NOT into cyber or phone sex as it is unfulling to me!!!!!!!!! also i am part of a couple that swings together if interested check out humpbackbluefin so if you are just blowing smoke please don't contact us or me. don't send invites unles you can return the favor. looking for action not hot air!!!!!!!!!! Thank You Seagraves TX adult personals. some one who can be discreet, that can last longer than 3 mins. who can show that i matter to them. that can have a good time and not worry about every little detail. i enjoy someone with a great sense of humor and can make me laugh. please no one younger than 36 as life hasn't given you enough hard knocks to understand the meaning of discreet. don't send invites unless you can return the favor i will not be accepting them otherwise

Candy for U

View profile, Seagraves TX

I am 5'6 145lbs,green eyes,brown hair. I have 36c cups and I am told I have a very nice body:) I am looking for a very discreet encounter. Nothing serious (I can get that at home). looking for a Man,Women or couples.

looking for women

View profile, Seagraves TX

hey whats up everyone just on here checking things out, a freind of mine and i thought we should explore whats around us, he's looking for the same thing i am... pussy so it all works out drop us a line ;) sexy women that know what they want and know how to please us

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