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A simple woman looking for some fun!

View profile, Seguin TX

Write a sentence, ok, here is my sentence. Damm how long is 50 characters? Seguin TX adult personals. On line stud who can make me cum hard. Write a sentence, ok, here is my sentence. Damm how long is 50 characters?

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View profile, Seguin TX

I am very outgoing and VERY open minded. I want to have fun both in and out of bed. I've been called a freak and take it as a compliment! I love trying new things. I also love sports, especially NBA basketball and NFL football. If you like it, I’ll watch it. Don’t let my age scare you. I look and act much younger than I am. With me, expect the unexpected! I’m looking for a black man who is at least ten years (or more) younger than me. My perfect match would be mid 30’s or early 40’s. But this isn’t set in stone. That just seems to be the best age for me. I prefer a well-toned body and an average to large...hey, you guys know what I’m talking about here. I like younger guys for all the obvious reasons. But they must be employed, have a decent car and their own place. If you still live with your parents, don’t respond to this ad. He must be outgoing, very open minded and really love sex. Like me...only a guy.

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View profile, Seguin TX

Just looking for now, I may just find something interesting. And I may find something juicy. What do you think? Just looking for someone fun and not too serious about it all.

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