Swift MN Adult Personals - Find adult personals or swingers ads for free and find local fuck friends

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Just having fun!

First of all, we are not looking for someone to help out our marriage. We are secure and happy with our marriage, we just like to have adventure in our sex lives. We enjoy sharing with other individuals and couples. We are not into headgames. If your unsure of whether this lifestyle is for you....that's fine, but don't freak out on us when you discover it's not for you. We are looking for straight men, bi-women or couples with bi-female. If you are interested, please e-mail us with your pics and we will return the favor.

View profile, Swift MN
New to Rawlins...now standard members can contact us

View profile, Swift MN

We are a easy going couple that is looking for adult fun. We never play alone and we do not kiss and tell. We are new to Rawlins but not new to the life style. We have been married 5 years and we are D/STD free and we want you to be too. We do have 2 children so we do demand that you do not kiss and tell also....after all no need to include the family right! Single men will not be entertained in any way,shape or form!!! So bring a woman for me!!! Swift MN adult personals. We perfer couples either male and female or female and female. My husband is str8 and plans to stay that way!!!

Hot Couple 4 Fun

View profile, Swift MN

We are a VERY HOT and SEXY adventurous couple. Both of us outgoing and energetic, totally talented. We are both attractive, athletic and D&D free, and are looking for the same in another couple/woman. We just really love to hang out and have fun. We're very funny, easy-going people. We love watching, love using toys, and going to strip clubs together. He is tall, dark, hansome. I’m sweet and sensual with a tight yummy little puss. We are real and don't want to waste time on people that just want to swap pictures. If you are interested, please give us your e-mail address and pictures to show how you look like and we will reply with the same. We are VERY VERY DISCREET!!!!! and expect anyone that we play with to be the same. Looking for honest down to earth people who are open minded and most importantly clean and VERY DISCREET!! No strings attached naked entertainment, for vibrant and fun hot women or couples who approach life with a positive attitude and a bit of class. Raunchy, rude and lack of discretion don't work. We would love to travel parties and we love to meet new people. We are looking for people who respect all parties involved. Please be HOT and adventurous, WE ARE !!

looking for fun

View profile, Swift MN

We are a happily married couple looking to spice up our sex lives and meet new people. We are both large but that doesn't mean we are out of shape by any means. We are looking for committed couples or women to join us in the bedroom. We would also love to have group sex. We are very respectful of others boundaries. We are both very oral and enjoy eating pussy (he will be happy to eat you to orgasm). She enjoys sucking cock, especially when someone else is fucking her. (We also enjoy receiving oral sex; doesn't everyone?)We enjoy full swap in the same room, but are flexible to accommodate your boundaries if you are not ready for that. We would love to find a woman that enjoys anal sex. She loves to watch her husband with another woman. She would also love to talk dirty on-line with people while mutually masterbating. We take frequent weekend roadtrips, and are hoping to meet people from all over Wyoming and northern Colorado (or anywhere reasonably close to Casper). If any of this sounds good to you, contact us.

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