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Same-sex couples denied retroactive survivor benefits. Thu 1 Mar 2007 | Printer friendly. and Taylors falls MN adult personals. Ads with photos.

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Always looking for fun...

I'm your typical wild child, the epicenter of any good party. I'm the type who's restless in normal life. I need to find something unusual to wake me up. Experience-wise, I know what I'm doing, but I'll always take a few pointers. I'm not changing my life, I'm just turning up the volume on my leisure time. I like my partners to be aggressive and take-charge. I need some dirty ..sexy ..stimulating conversation.

View profile, Taylors falls MN
Hi, Kinky, wild girl for a chick or POSSIBLY couple.

View profile, Taylors falls MN

The main pics are me around 18, I filled out since those skinny white legs. And I'm very much into fitness. But that's been my pics since I got here so it stays =) Nostalgia rocks! Taylors falls MN adult personals. .I'M DATING NOW, BUT NOTHING SERIOUS, FOR RIGHT PERSON SHE'D UNDERSTAND.

No longer looking, I have all the playmates I need

View profile, Taylors falls MN

Thanks to everyone that responded to my profile. I currently have all the playmates I need, so not looking for more. I'm no longer looking.

looking for some sweet wet pussy that needs licking!!!

View profile, Taylors falls MN

DONT EMAIL ME IF YOU DONT WEAR A CONDOM!!!!! I am pregnant just so you know. But even though Im pregnant at this time ...Im a very horny woman. Im lookin for someone that can get me off orally. I prefer women...I have been with more males in my life time then females and would love to meet more..I love licking pussy I have found out in the last two weeks. Im very interested in couples that want 2 pamper my pussy for hours....licking me till i cant handle it anymore...I would love for you two to take turns licking me....like one spitting and then licking my clit while the other one watches. Im a woman looking for another woman who knows how to please a woman. I would prefer someone my own age but someone who can spend the night here with me whenever I need her too. A woman that will be safe to have around my kids. And would keep my relationship discreet from others knowing. I would like to be with a woman that is not too skinny. Or a pregnant woman even. this is because Im pregnant. But one that is single and pregnant. This has alway been a fantasy of mine.

It will mean nothing to same-sex as well as opposite-sex couples. The current decline of the institution of marriage will be accelerated.


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