Tenstrike MN Adult Personals - Find adult personals or swingers ads for free and find local fuck friends

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Insatiable sexual appetite when it comes to just about everyting.....

I live in San Francisco and am looking for some new equally freaky friends to play with. What can I say I am an easy going, straight forward, honest woman who likes to get a little wild every now and then. If this sounds interesting to you add me to your network and shoot me an e-mail. Look forward to playing with you real soon!!!! You are looking for a young sexy woman just like every other sane person. You are of average size (except where it counts where above average is preferred) and expect the same from me. I believe in free for all so if you don't want to share I'm not what you are looking for. I don't bring any fetishes only fantasies with me to fulfill and help fulfill. I hope to share a couple of cocktails and if I'm real lucky a couple of cocks. I am more on the submissive side. I am open pretty much to everything except the golden shower thing or anything like that. YUK!

View profile, Tenstrike MN
sexy cd 4 fems n tgrls

View profile, Tenstrike MN

hi i'm sara and im lookig for fems ,couples,and especially sexy cd's,tv,ts,tg's.i like to party and have fun.always lookin for a new expierence.i love the beach .im openminded,honest, kind ,passionate,and like to have fun. lv 2 have wild new expierences with a partner or partners.i lv 2 dress really sexy ,and am completly openminded towards anything sexual.only things i'm not into r pain,scat or urine play,OR SINGLE MEN.MEN PLZ DO NOT REPLY.for those guys who don't read so good i'll say it again NO SINGLE MEN . Tenstrike MN adult personals. looking 4 attractive fems and passable cd,tv,ts,tg's,4 fun and friendship,sex is optional.lv 2 meet other pretty tgrl friends4 fun.the more passable the better,looking to have my first time expierence.i aslo would like to b with a hot couple. i'm not into b.s or drama .i'm open minded,kinky,and like to try new things.plz b height weight porporinate for the most part,and smoking is a plus.someone who likes lots of sex ,and likes it on the wild side.no pain or weird gross stuff.prefferebly someone who enjoys makin out.love long passionate kisses,and being intimate.NO SINGLE MEN PLZ.NO REPLY

Adult play time begins now

View profile, Tenstrike MN

As I enter my forties It is time to go down a new path and seek out new avenues of pleasure. Not that anything has been wrong with my marriage relationship, far from it. As I have grown older, I have begun to open up and try new things. I seek out couples, and only couples, who are ready for adult play time. Guys...if your wife, of girlfriend, isn't going to be involved, then neither am I, so please let's not waste each other's time. Please be clean and drug and disease free. If you are too far away, I will probably not be interested in hooking-up. I seek another couple for same room, hard swap fun. Ideally within the age range of 35 to 45 years old. Older couples, if they are interested, will certainly be considered but younger couples will not. Single men...sorry. I am are not interested in single men at this time. Email from single men, regardless of situation, will result in immeadiate email deletion without the slightest hope of a response. (If I ever desire a single man to play with, I know where to find you.) My desire is to find a couple who could not classify themselves as "hardbodies". Being hot and sexy can not always be defined as being a size four and having six pack abs, not that there is anything wrong with that of couse. I just prefer the softer, "more rounded" if you will, look of couples similar in body shape to myself. Chubby, heavy, stretch marks, it's all part of the equation...don't let it stop you from having fun.

Looking for some fun

View profile, Tenstrike MN

I am looking to find someone in my area... open minded... clean... wanting to get together for some fun. I am looking to find someone new to have fun with. I have been married, am seeing someone now. I would like to find a couple where I could be the second woman to the threesome. I am also interested in finding a woman for myself and perhaps one day if she were open to it, being a threesome with my me and my man. So like I said... I am looking for some fun... I am d/d free and expect the same from you. Respectful, clean and d/d free.. someone that can keep my attention, both with conversation... and with sex. Is that you? I have experienced some in life... but maybe you can help me open up even more... :)

Information on the November 2006 Special Session and Same-sex Domestic Partner Benefits Benefit Consultant's Domestic Partner Benefits Analysis


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In some cases, these organizations do offer a limited selection of the benefits normally provided to opposite-sex married couples to de facto partners or

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