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This lady is looking for U

I am a woman who had discovered her desires for other women. I love the feel of another woman, I crave the taste and smells only another woman has. I already have a wonderful guy who is totally into my bisexuality, and is cool whether I play alone or invite him into my naughty little world. Couples are fun but we do not full swap and he is totally str8t. I am looking for other women who want to play, or cpls with a bilady. Meet online and then in person for dinner or drinks and see where it might go,lets be honest, we all know where we want it to go so lets meet and if the chemistry is there, back to our place or hotel or wherever everyone is comfortable

View profile, Tofte MN
Sexy Bi-Curious Female

View profile, Tofte MN

Sexy & Petite Bi-curious hazel eyes strawberry blond hair. I'm shy but confident and always have a smile. Love to laugh and be discreet. I do look younger than my age and on occasion I don't act it either.I am very feminine.And looking for woman who can be aggressive and feminine but not dominating.I have worked to hard and played to little,now I want to play hard.I have a man, Not Looking For single men!!!!! Tofte MN adult personals. Looking for single/married bif to enjoy girls night out & "Friends with Benefits" Discretion is a must.I can play alone or with the female half of a couple and let the men watch a sexy show.

Searching for that special man - the one who makes me melt...

View profile, Tofte MN

I am still out of commission for a while. Yes, I realize I owe notes back to some correspondence I've received, and I will get to them as quickly as I can. Just remember, patience is a virtue... lol Ideally, you are a tall, single man of class, intelligence and strength. You are successful in your life, from a professional standpoint, as well as from a personal stance. You are educated but not stuffy, or worse, a snob. You know how to treat a woman, both inside and outside of the bedroom. You are dominate in nature, yet not overpowering or unrealistic. You understand both hard and soft limits, ideally from understanding the D/s lifestyle. You are a teacher and patient with your student of life. You have interests and want to share them. You are also willing to try new and different things, always looking to learn.

BBW looking for fun right now

View profile, Tofte MN

Single BBW that like to have fun in the bedroom and out. I'm 5'4 with 48DD breasts that you can suck on for hours because i really enjoy that. I have long brown curly hair and dark brown eyes. If you like BBW, then you'll like me. I enjoy single men without children the best. Just easier to get together without any problems. Open to most but if you're married, be honest about it and say so in your profile. Personality counts for more than looks in my opinion but there needs to be some attraction. I enjoy smart men that can also hold a conversation. Black men are sexy to me but also into white men.

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