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I am Married female looking to enhance my sexual pleasure and curiosity. I Am very Bi curious, I love the shape of a womens body. I want to entertain my husband by doing sexual fantasies with a women. Must be clean and D/D FREE. PLEASE NO GAMES, SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY.......... I like open minded women with a great personality. Must be spontanious, outgoing, and sexual. Mainly looking for a women to Dominate my husband as well as mutual female pleasure. I will interact with couples as long as husband can watch or play.I enjoy foreplay with a women or man.

View profile, Trimont MN
Naughty Tampa Gal Looking.........

View profile, Trimont MN

I'm 1/2 black 1/2 asian Hot Intelligent Sexy Sensual Confident Spontaneous and a Drama Free gal with a High Sex Drive i would like the same in a woman /couple Life is too short for stupid shit so let's live life and have a ball You don't have to be a Barbie or Ken because im not Barbie i am very cute though:)~ Looks don't matter but if your not my type i won't have a problem telling u I don't like smelly people and i like my men 7+ and long lasting and i like my women shaved trimmed adventurous and able to take charge a little dominant is good if thats not u then don't bother Trimont MN adult personals. no drama no men unless your part of a couple just be someone clean fun and outgoing you dont have to be a supermodel just have a great sex drive and be able to let loose oh and u must be able to complete a sentence . my clit is pierced for those of you who asked which one is mine.

I need you -

View profile, Trimont MN

Sweet and giving lady who is looking for more out of life - are you the one that can show me the way -- some but not a lot of experience. Bi Female who is single or in a relationship for intimate encounters on a regular basis - and or weekend trips etc.

Erotic Encounters

View profile, Trimont MN

Most of my friends would say I have a easy-going personality. I am financially stable and drama free. When it comes to physical health, I exercise several times per week, and expect my sex partners to be at about the same fitness level. I am very sexually erotic. D&D free and expect to stay that way. I'm looking for someone who can be discreet because of my professional position. I would love to be involved with only one man, with no strings or games. If it turns into something more than that, thats okay too. However, with that being said, I have always been interested in safe group sex! lol Anyway, my ideal man will be as sexual as I am, if not more so, and will be willing to experiment in the bedroom. Communication, chemistry, and personality are expected. Well built and goodlooking are a plus. No photo, no response.

Irrespective of whether they have sex with heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, bi-curious or undecided partners, many people will be quite keen to know the


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