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Sexy, Curvy Bisexual Professional in need of some "stimulation". Do you desire to stimulate me, I'm waiting with a lot of energy. Well, I will admit that my ideal person would be a single guy that is looking for a long term relationship (or a married guy that's willing to make up for the fact that they are married, if you know what I mean) and someone that's very sexual in nature. Someone that once we got comfortable with each other sexually, would be interested in meeting with other couples or select individuals for added "stimulation". If that guy isn't out there, then I would love a LTR with a great couple thats comfortable with each other and secure in their relationship and that might want to spoil one additional female. Does either of those descriptions sound like you? If so, I'd love to hear from you.

View profile, Trosky MN
Lets try it...ok

View profile, Trosky MN

I am a black female in Georgia. Love to try many things. My husband and I are layed back people. We are not into games. So, if you are not serious, don't answer. I am in my mid forties, small in body size. Non smoker, discreet and love good sex. NO SINGLE MEN. Trosky MN adult personals. Looking for a good woman to make love to. Someone not pushy nor into head games. Someone not into nightclubs, just meet and have fun. No strings attached, discreet and honest. Someone to meet at a restaurant, talk and see if compatible. So, if you are someone not serious and here for fun, don't answer. Matter of fact, don't view. NO SINGLE MEN.

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View profile, Trosky MN

I'm a very sexy black queen who not only have a cute face and great body a very down to earth attitude. I 'm very loving and caring. I look for someone who is outgoing, compassionate, very generous and knows how to satisfy me in every way possible. My partner has to be into me 100% and give me his all.

Let the fun begin!

View profile, Trosky MN

A fun-loving socialite like me can often be found dancing in a club or chillin'in a low-lit but intimate pub. When I'm not doing the vampire thing, I like shopping for housewares, going to the beach or driving around aimlessly with the wind blowing through my hair. Some of my favorite things to do include heh heh :), going to the movies, hosting parties, hanging out with friends, reading and painting pictures of you. My favorite tongue trick is to touch my nose with it. I am looking for someone who likes everthing I am and can appreciate going out having a good time or staying in and snuggling while sharing my deepest thoughts. I have lots of affection to share with the right woman or couples. I hope it's you because we're talking bubble baths, long walks in the park, sensual massages, laughing at really dorky people at the mall, cooking the most fantastic meal you've ever had ever and watching cartoons.

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