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I am a single mother. I live in the southern half of Guam. I am overweight but happy with who I am. I love relations with both men and women. I am VERY bisexual. I love big women. I am not looking for just sex. I am not looking for a commitment. I am looking for a trust worthy couple to be friends with, hang out but with benefits. Someone who can keep this VERY discreet. We are very close knit on this island and word gets around. I would have to be able to trust that the "benefits" part of the friendship would not leave the privacy of the bedroom in any way. I would prefer the couple to be overweight but looks is not everything.

View profile, Truman MN
A smile is effortless, happiness is earned

View profile, Truman MN

Im a filipina by blood born and raised on the pacific island of Guam. I only speak english. I am a Nurse and spend most of my time outdoors. Truman MN adult personals. I am looking for a lady that can swoon me! I love romance and I am soft and romantic. I dont care for aggressive or rudeness. I want a lady that speaks volumes with her eyes and her touch.

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View profile, Truman MN

I like dark skin and 3-somes, I do have a few extra pounds but still very loveable. I am on the road so much that I need no strings sexual parterners. Good looking men and women to have nostrings attatched incounters with while I am in the area

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View profile, Truman MN

Hello! I am a 40yoa prof female that enjoys all types of adventure and fun. I am 5'10" tall with shoulder length red/blonde hair (natural). I enjoy the outdoors, indoors, romance, kink, 3 somes and 4 somes and various other activities that lead to 'fun' and excitement! Looking for a variety of things, a couple possibly that are very sexually secure in their relationship and just like to have the additional partner or couple join them for erotic adventure! There are numerous things that interest me so email me and lets see where it goes...I am told that I am very sexy and erotic~wanna know more...get in touch!

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