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3 Easy steps to turn your wife or girlfriend into the raging sex and Viking MN adult personals. Ads with photos.

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MWC ISO Adventure and Fun

She: 5'6, 125#, 35-26-35, Sexy legs, shaved, tattooed, pierced. Very BI. Into multiple partners of both sexes. Gives great head (to both sexes) Bifemales, single males, couples into fun. Group sex, public sex, orgies, interracial meetings, and all but pian and anal.

View profile, Viking MN
Fun loving very open explorer

View profile, Viking MN

Im a fun loving gal that is very sexual and open to all ideas. Yes, I love extremes as well as just good old normal sex. i am a slut at heart and love the taste of cum and the taste of pussy - you must be willing to play, im open too all suggestions. Viking MN adult personals. an open honest fun loving person that enjoys what life offers.

NEWSFLASH....I'm back and I'm soooo hot and wet. Have you stayed hot and wet for me?

View profile, Viking MN

I am a hot and sensual 38yo Italian, married, bi professional female who just came back! I hope you ladies have stayed hot and wet for me! Being away has made me sooooooo horny for the taste of a hot sexy lady. Hot wet women who love to eat pussy and the touch and feel of another woman!

Looking for playmate.... :)

View profile, Viking MN

I am a BBW with extremely large breasts... (just trying to be up front). I am 5' 1/2", have long, brown, curly hair and green eyes. While I believe I am reasonably attractive, losing a few pounds wouldn't put me in the anorexic category... I'm not looking for someone to build a house & white picket fence... but finding some good friends or simply pleasant people to play with on a regular basis would be great... :) and I'm not meaning the "bed notch" kind... really... being treated like an unpaid prostitute is a total turn off... so if that's what you're looking for... Don't waste either of our time by emailing me...

My girlfriend wants to have unprotected sex but I keeep saying no. She took a test and it was negative, my test was negative. She sees no reason for us to


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for the first time as well as orally. I have used protection since then but have preformed oral sex on her since then too. She NOW informs me that she has

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