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View profile, Virginia MN
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View profile, Virginia MN

Im just a down to earth, normal woman who has found herself single after 20+ yrs. Im passionate, friendly, honest, and I love to laugh and have fun. I LOVE sex, with the right person of course. I'm not looking for a one night stand, nor am I willing to be someones fuck buddy. As far as serious, doesnt have to be, just be available, and like having and out of the bedroom, come have fun with me! Virginia MN adult personals. Honesty would be number 1. I like Bad Boys, horny ones, so I guess having a libido that matches mine would be number 2. Down to earth, humorous, fun, passionate..has his life together.

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View profile, Virginia MN

Sexy married mixed black/asian female, 5'3" coppertone skin, athletic build. Husband black male 6'0 light skin athletic build, enjoys watching me have my holes filled. We play together or apart. Looking for the same. Couple/single males who are adventurous, witty, spontaneous and can hold a conversation. We require you to be discrete as we have kids and are a professional couple. I have a very high sex drive, I'm always wet and ready my nipples are always hard.

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View profile, Virginia MN

Im a professional,secure, good looking girl who is looking for cool people to hang out with and have a good time. I consider myself a highly sexual person and enjoy spending time with guys or girls who can keep up with me :) I am looking for a gorgeous girl to be my girlfriend or a hot guy who is mature enough to handle someone who is already in a commited relationship for some fun on the side. Honesty is important right?

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