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i'm a goodie goodie gone bad... i HAVE A B/F i meet with for first meet n if we hit it off we can have another, if not we all got some at least once. send me a message n lets talk sometime. I'm a free member so u gotta contact me unless i send just a "wink" to ya then of course please contact me back ;)... i only meet with him as well so don't ask about 1 on 1... cause first n usuually even second meets are with him present... fair looks but preferable non pushy... if i'm into it ill do it just gimme time....and PLEASE FOR GOD SAKE DON'T BE OVER 30 UNLESS U LOOK LIKE A MODEL...Being open to new things. I enjoy humiliating / teasing / ribbing my "male" about his "short cummings" "under endowment" and so on... If you know what I mean. So i prefre a man who can please me with size and the right motion. prefer 7"+ or so.

View profile, Waconia MN
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View profile, Waconia MN

Just your average bored housewife. Yes I do live on a golf course and I do get to play from time to time. I am interested in meeting like minded women and couples in the Carolinas Region. SINGLE MALES do not respond to my add unless you are packing over 8" and can prove it. I am a very open person and look forward to chatting to new people in the carolinas. Waconia MN adult personals. Looking for like minded and open minde individuals and couples.

Are you man enough??

View profile, Waconia MN

**Before you judge others ask yourself this question... Do you let others make your decisions for you?? ~~ Or do you like to make them for yourself! I am looking for younger men or couples (age 28 to 40) to play with and have a good time. People who love foreplay and afterplay (GOOD kissing really gets things started for me, touching, fondling, licking). You must be able to laugh at yourself as well as other people and be willing to experiment and play for lengthy periods of time!! I enjoy sex, you should too. You must be DD free. If you are looking for that perfect body, don't look here.

Looking for Mr. Right

View profile, Waconia MN

I'm a very outgoing person. I am into great sex however I"m looking for more than just that. I want that to be a big part of the man I end up with, so I'm here to see what is out there. I'm not a big bar fly, so as a single mom this is the easiest thing to do. I'm looking for a man who wants to be in a committed realtionship that includes a ton of sex. I want to do it all and I will/do with the right person. I

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