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Married happily, seeking more attention.

Enjoy being active, always seeking whats best for me. Always searching for the best possible Want a partner who takes time to fill my love tank.

View profile, Waite park MN
Saucy Girl

View profile, Waite park MN

Looking for fun...fantasy...and more! I am a fun, energetic and athletic and seek a couple or a man to share new adventures with. Waite park MN adult personals. I am bi and looking to share adventures with like minded couples. I would also like to find a long lasting relationship with a like minded male.

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View profile, Waite park MN

******* READ FULL PROFILE BEFORE RESPONDING******* I live life as a professional and as a mom, however being a 26 y/o bi-female with very little sexual inhibition my two lifestyles more often feel like two personalities..so i am looking for people to accomplish that and stay with in the bounds of cleanliness, honesty and respect...no hard drugs, std's, or freaks please... ok, here goes, I had to change this back to this little ho-dunk area I live in, so if you live in the area and message me you HAVE to send a pic if there is not one in your profile, the chances of us knowing each other are too high to not see who I am talking to...If you are a couple, I have to be attracted to BOTH of you...and if there is ANY uneasiness from either husband or wife, I am not into it, must be a mutually desired thing, and you must be extremely secure in your relationship...NO EXCEPTIONS>>>married men cheating....get the little mouse on the damn back button and hit someone else up(thats not even right) I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A ONE NIGHT STAND, if you want that, go somewhere else..NO ONE OVER 40, you must brush your teeth and know the defenition of high personal hygeine! I tend to lean towards being a perfectionist in this area...ATTCACH A FACE PIC OR I WILL NOT REPLY!!.. My pics are taken when I was 80Lbs heavier,but I still feel they represent my figure adequately,I am in no way THIN, I hate people who assume that being heavy means I am desperate, LOL...rrrright, WRONG...I do have face pics available to send.*****to single men..like I said, I don't do one nighters, and whoever gets it better frickin love it-I can tell if you aren't into it, so if you are going to be embarassed to be seen with someone over a size 5 *this area is full of men like this* get over yourselves...I am not bitter or cold, but I am warning you now, cause you'd rather I not do it in public when we meet

Sex and maybe friendship it's up to you.

View profile, Waite park MN

I am an extremely sexual person and a bit of an exhibitionist. I/We are looking for another female or couple that enjoys

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