Wheaton MN Adult Personals - Find adult personals or swingers ads for free and find local fuck friends

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Looking for a little more out of Life,,

We are a recently married Caucasian couple, both educated, trying to uncover some sexual fantasies between us. We are also interested in some same room sex or if the right couple some light swapping. We are just out for a good time and to enjoy life.. NO single males... We are looking for a female or another couple to help us explore our fantasies and hopefully fulfill some of theirs at the same time..Must be easy going and not pressuring. Good looking but most of all fun to be around type of people. We love to travel so shoot us an e-mail with some pics, we'll be waiting. NO single males...you can send us a message at luvnlifeaz at the hot mail account.

View profile, Wheaton MN
Looking for Other Couples and Groups

View profile, Wheaton MN

We've been experimenting with the Lifestyle for a few years now, and have been at it long enough to know what we want, and to be comfortable with new situations. We like to party with other couples, either 2-on-2 or in a group. We consider ourselves soft swingers (so far), which to us means same room sex, touching and sometimes oral if the situation is right. There's nothing more intoxicating and arousing than a roomful of couples having sex! We are also dedicated nudists, and like to visit clothing-optional hot springs and resorts, or just hang out naked at home or around the pool. Wheaton MN adult personals. We used to go to Club Chameleon before it closed, and miss the soft-swing group thing. We're not hard core, but we'd like to find other like-minded couples or groups for a little adventure every now and then, particularly at house parties. We'd also like to find other couples who just like to get naked and relax, and see where it goes from there, with no pressure one way or the other. A little sun on bare skin is very arousing, and is great no matter what!


View profile, Wheaton MN

LOOKING FOR NEW EXPERIENCES IN LIFE AND SOME THING TO ADD A LITTLE SPICE TO OUR RELATIONSHIP We are looking for some friends to spend time with in and out of bed. we wood like to share time with you on trips , dinners dancing outdoor actives laughting .all the good times wath ever they may be 'even the bad times if they come .he is a very funney guy and can make you laught all the time .She is very loving and tender and a great host Byfor now See YOU latter


View profile, Wheaton MN

we are Hispanic couple,married for 20 years we are looking to have fun with other people in and out of the bedroom I'm 5'7 195 pounds my wife 5' 105 pounds she is very sexy and attractive she doesn't look her age we are looking for people that don't have drama in their lives.people tha are not afraid of having a good time

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