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Who wants to party???

Hot, young, wild, couple who enjoys bars, parties, dinners out and crazy times at home. She is bi curious (and very kinky) and he is up for most anything!! WE are looking to meet a new couple or single female for friendship, erotic sexual times in the bedroom (or wherever it might happen), and to just have a great time. We are a very physically fit professional couple who also loves to travel. We are looking for the same in whoever we meet. A hot, young, couple who is adventurious and enjoys the same things we do. You should be fun, easygoing, attractive, fit, disease free and love to have a great time!! We are looking for people who we can hang out with ( have drinks, dinner maybe, or go out to a club)and have a good time in the bedroom as well as out. We have more revealing pictures to share with the right couple or female. We will NOT respond to single men!! If this sounds like what you are looking for as well, don't hesitate to drop us a line, and who knows what could happen from there????????????

View profile, Winger MN
Sensual, Sexual, Seductive

View profile, Winger MN

We are a happily married couple of 25 years. He is 5’7” and 44 years old. She is beautiful, 5’5” and 43 years old. We enjoy the outdoors and go boating and riding the harley regularly. We love to laugh and have fun. We both have a great sense of humor, and are not Barbie and Ken look a likes. We are very open-minded and like to experiment. Winger MN adult personals. We are looking for very discreet, D&D free couples and select males and females with similar interests. Personalities, trust, honesty, and friendship are important before we take the relationship to a sexual level. We are open-minded and expect the same. Safe sex is a must!

Asian American Couple

View profile, Winger MN

Attractive, young-looking, and committed Asian American couple that love to watch and be watched while making love and playing with toys. We are not interested in swapping - just sex with our own partners in the same room. Not interested in single men. We would like to meet with attractive, height & weight proportionate couples and single women in their 20s and 30s. You should be no pressure and patient. We don't get out that often, but enjoy attending the occasional on-premise party. Not interested in single men.


View profile, Winger MN

Him:6ft. 175lbs. 8in. avg girth. We are looking for exceptionally attractive people. People that are not only attractive physically, but also able to stimulate our imaginations. Those who ooze sexuallity and sensuallity. That being said, we are selective. Just becuase you've got a little game and know how to talk to us, doesn't mean that we like ugly people.

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