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Looking for a lovely sensual couple

We are a senusual, erotic couple who love living life to the fullest. We very open with our sexual expression and enjoy sharing our sexuality with a atttractive, warm, friendly, sensual couple. We are both looking to find an attractive warm, friendly, sophisticated, but most importantly a sensual couples or females that enjoy the flow of an evening that revolves around much slow erotic touching, oral play and full swapping. We aren't into lengthly emails and chats. We only meet people who are serious and what to have a good time. Please provide face pictures in your introductions, it will save us from asking you for them. We'll send ours in a follow-up email.

View profile, Winnebago MN
Would you like to teach us how?

View profile, Winnebago MN

We are totally new at this...but talking about it for a while, and we're ready to make our fantasy a reality! Winnebago MN adult personals. YOU: nice, CLEAN d/d free laid back hoping for discreet fun; willing and able to make our fantasies come true, and have us do same for you. No strings - just fun together...casually.

We are a couple that likes to meet other couples for friendship and fun times.

View profile, Winnebago MN

We are normal people that also like to "play" with other like minded couples. Couples in our age group that are like us! Looking for a couple that are open and honest, do not use drugs, and want to share with us to make our sexual life even better than it already is.

Available for daytime fun also

View profile, Winnebago MN

We are a happily married couple, in a committed 22 year relationship. She is a pretty woman, 5'4" - 170. She enjoys pleasing and being pleased, is very curvy, has great legs,very sexually excitable breasts and enjoys being a bit of an exhibitionist. She is bi-social and loves to try new things. J is straight, 6'2" - 260lbs is built like a mature x football player. He has been told he is handsome, looks to be in his mid forties and about 225. We are a full[hard or soft] swap couple. She likes to be told what to do(no pain). D/D free, cleanliness of the utmost importance. Discretion is an absolute must.We are not interested in single men . Looking for a secure happily married or seriouly attached couple for fun. Female maybe straight,or bi-social. Man must be straight or willing to play straight with us.Our male partner is not homo-phopic,just not interested.We are not looking to meet couples who are setting up strickly F/F situations ,while the men watch or for couples who's female is into this for mostly the Bi action .We are looking for couples who enjoy MFMF,FMF,FM,and MFM fun,hard or soft.

How to talk with other Sex Addict Anonymous members online or in a telephone software program that supports the Internet Relay Chat, or IRC, protocol.


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