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Bi-sexual couple

We are only interested in bi-people. We are not interested in homophobics, wonderers, cheaters or egocentrics! If you are not bisexual, please do not contact us! We enjoy great food, wine, humor and orgasms. We like couples and threesomes, and we are looking for long term relationships. NO MORE SINGLE MEN....For Now!!!! Please be sure to have face pictures posted or send along with your email, we will not respond if you do not have a face picture. We only respond to people we can see! We are looking for a couple or female with similar interests

View profile, Winona MN
Lets Have Some Fun

View profile, Winona MN

Lets have some fun. we are looking for sexy people that know how to have fun in and out of the bedroom. we love the outdoors. Winona MN adult personals. partners that like to have fun. we are a full swap couple and like to play with all couples that are full swap or soft swingers. let meet for dinner or drink and see what we can make hard and wet.

Curious Couple Looking To Explore

View profile, Winona MN

We are a very sexual couple looking to broaden our horizons in the bedroom. We are an average professional couple with a family. We enjoy the outdoors and sports. We are looking for a couple with the same interests for friendship and/or an intimate relationship

Fun Couple seeking Bi F for freindship & hot sex!

View profile, Winona MN

Married couple, very much in love, positive attitude, non-pushy, down to earth, laid back, enjoy traveling, hiking, exploring new places and new foods. We like to try new things sexually and webcam at times. We'd like to find a woman to psice up our sex life but we also want a deeper connection than just sex. For us a friendship would be a nice bonus. We are not "out" about swinging but need to keep it very discreet. F that is intelligent, open-minded, must be a good communicator, likes to try new things, has an opinion, loves to laugh and is eager to explore a better sex life.

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