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Hey there! I am enjoying what I have but looking for more. I am good at letting the moment provide. I tend to be the one people call when they're in trouble. Looking to meet new people with the same interest. Who are disease, drug, and drama free. If you think you are the one then email me.

View profile, Canton NY

View profile, Canton NY

Hello Darling, im just a smiling BBW that's looking to have a great time not for any GAMES so please don't bother if you are that kind of person. If we do hook up at any time *CONDOMS are a MUST* Also read my profile YES IM A MARRIED WOMAN AND MY HUSBAND PLAYS AT TIMES AND YES HE IS AWARE. What im looking for is real people and i can tell when it REAL so just be yourself im not looking to change my life just uplift it in certian area *CAN YOU DIG IT* Well if you like hit me up and WE will check the profile out. Canton NY adult personals. Im looking for a man or a cool couple to have good sex im not into ANAL SORRY but I will just about go for everything else, You must be able to keep your mouth shut unless you are of course having ORAL which is my favorite(smile).Also im not big on tongue kissing,french whatever they call it these days im all about the sex so if that don't bother you then you can contact me . Hope to hear from you soon..

Sexy Black female in search of some fun

View profile, Canton NY

Beautiful black female, Pecan tan complexion disease and drug free, looking to spice up my life with a little bit of naughty pleasure. I am very new to this lifestyle and I'm just looking for someone to help me explore. As RKelly would say I am "Trapped in the Closet", are you willing to open up that door? I am kind of shy at first, but don't be fooled--that won't last long, once I get to know you it is definitely on. Would one of you sexxxy ladies out there help me learn the ropes? ....hurry up ladies cuz I am about to explode! Looking for someone with a nice personality, not to vulgar. That is a big turn off for me. Must be very discreet, there is nothing worse than having your business in the streets. Must be attractive to me. so,


View profile, Canton NY

I am a blk female looking for a couple or bi female to explore my sexual fantasies with I'm open to try anything new. I'm 5'6 thick build caramel complexion 38DD breast nice hips and thighs with a PHAT ASS. I am seeking a couple with a bi female or a bisexual female to explore my sexual families. No special requirements as far as appearance must be clean drug and disease free and discreet age requirements 23-35

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